Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Storage, Storage, Storage!

For me, the most frustrating part of what I do is the organization / storage / mess issue.  I love having a brilliant clean and organized space to create in, but as I create so much mess is created and cleaning it up again can be mind numbing.

At the moment, I've been tearing my studio apart for almost two weeks, getting rid of supplies I don't see myself using any time soon or that no longer fit into my design style as it has evolved.  I bought some new storage containers and am trying to figure out more solutions for some of my other difficult to store items.

I'm pretty excited for putting my studio back together and having it be functional and easier to use... but for now there are bins and boxes on every surface, my shelving is half empty and I have things in the way of walking through the room.  Urgh!  At least I can get to my new station for making JellyPins!  (ps: new colors will be showing up soon, probably every day for the next 10 days or so!)
This is a great time of year for revamping as well, the holiday rush is over, most craft shows are later in the year and we can take a breather and then clean, clean, clean.  With it being so chilly out, we tend to stay indoors a whole lot more and that can leave us bored and needing something to do. 

Want some inspiriation to get your studio reorganized?  Check out the ideas at the Crafty Storage blog: http://craftystorage.blogspot.com/

Till next time,